Summer Program Ideas For High School Science Buffs
Having a child who is passionate about science can be a challenge for any parent--especially over the summer when gifted children may feel bored with the lack of educational stimuli. If you have a child who is going to need some extra academic stimulation this summer, you might consider a high school science program for your child.
These programs might be worth looking into for your science-loving child:
Math Camp
For many students, a love for science stems from a love for mathematics. Math camp includes many activities focused on topics like geometry, algebra, and even calculus. However, students also have the opportunity to socialize and use their love of numbers to put together projects, and even focus on applying math to other subjects.
Astronomy Camp
It is a dream for so many students to attend space camp, but astronomy camp is another option. Camp goers study the stars, becoming acquainted with the sky and understanding what they can learn from taking a look through a telescope. Astronomy camp may also involve field trips to locales for different viewing spots.
Economics & Leadership Camp
Economics may not be a hard science, but there is certainly a science to figuring out how the market works. Students who attend these types of programs will have access to professionals who truly understand the market, and they also have the opportunity to put their own skills to use in hands-on applications. As part of these programs, students also often learn about the roles they can take as leaders in the world of economics.
Computer Science Camp
Computer science is often overlooked as a science, but high school students can still benefit from attending a camp that focuses on the topic. In a computer science program, students will learn about the role of technology in their lives and perhaps even create projects of their own. Students may do anything from building their own machines to programming their own websites.
Animal Science
Animal science is a fantastic option for students who are interested in veterinary science and zoology. Certain animal science programs may focus more on certain types of animals, including birds. Camp goers will learn about animal identification and care for animals. They may even have hands-on experiences with animals.
Many of these camps run for several weeks and provide field trips, lectures, and intriguing speakers. These programs offer a science-based approach to learning to encourage students to learn new skills.